Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bicaz Gorges

Bicaz Gorges

The most spectacular rock formation in the country, the Bicaz Gorges offer the visitor breath-taking views in the narrow gorges with 300 m high rock faces. This is also one of the main passes in the eastern Carpathians connecting Transylvania in the West to the region of Moldavia in the East. Apart from being known as the highest gorges in the country, they also are the hiker's paradise, with well marked trails and magnificent experiences.

Next to the gorges there is the famous Red Lake, a beautiful oasis set in the middle of this peaceful landscape, which was formed in 1837 by a landslide forcing half of the mountain to collapse and block the stream below, thus giving birth to the most interesting lake in the region, with tree trunks still peering out of the water surface.

The traveler who departs from Moldova towards Transilvania through the Carpathian mountains only has three connection routes available. And maybe the most picturesque is the one in the center. After not even 1 hour drive from Piatra Neamt westwards suddenly, the mountains block the street, if it would not be for a narrow passage which winds like a long snake through the valleys. The vertical cliffs are over 500feet high and sometimes two cars can not pass each other on the curves. Nature reveals it's true face wherever you might look. And after passing the Gorges, another spectacular sight awaits: the Red Lake. It is said that the daughter of a rich landlord from this area committed suicide along with the boy she loved, as her father did not allow them to marry. One might take a boat ride and paddle between the petrified trees or play with the wild geese on the lake. For those who love hiking this is a region where you could easily spend some days. Although you have to be warned that accommodation possibilities are rater rustic.

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